Social Impact

Urban Forestry & Reforestation

Bold Enough To Believe
in the Future

We believe in giving back to the places where we live. Through our partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, we are able to invest in non-profit partners who work on crucial tree-planting projects and reforestation efforts that deliver layers of good during your lifetime and many lifetimes after.

1 Tree Planted for Every Property Sold

Key Benefits

Greater Access

Americans need trees, but many crave greater access to nature

87% of people engage in green activities each year, but less than half (44%) do so weekly or more, and have the desire to increase their activity in green spaces. 

Accessibility is a challenge, as over half of Americans need to drive to the nearest park or green space.


Trees are major players against climate concerns

"Trees that are planted today have benefits that span generations.”

People are aware of how trees can have a global impact for their role in slowing climate change. Deforestation is one of the easiest climate-related challenges Americans believe humans can fix.

Mental Health

“Being among trees is my happy place.”

90% of Americans say trees and green spaces contribute to their mental well-being, with the top impacts being reducing stress, improving mood, and clearing the mind.

The most popular outdoor pastimes – relaxing, walking/jogging, and reading – are well-being-centric and those who engage with trees/green spaces daily are happier and score higher in their mental and physical health.

Public Health

Beautiful & useful

Trees are a public health tool, providing fresh air, shade, and beauty to communities.

Community Builders

Trees are the backbone of out communities

Trees are important to the health and wellbeing of communities. 91% of people believe that trees help make neighborhoods more livable, and nearly half chose their home location based on access to green spaces.
